Asset Management in SAP

Asset Management occupies an important place in your strategy. Through smart Asset Management, you give your technical assets’ performance a boost. Through systematic, coordinated activities, you can optimally manage your assets. At the same time, you also need to become more sustainable.

Challenges in asset management

Tax hikes are forcing you to reduce energy costs and use cleaner forms of energy. You also need to prevent depletion of raw materials. Asset Management plays an important role in the circular economy and helps you truly integrate sustainability as a core value.

Operational excellence

Improve your production processes at the lowest possible cost, while maintaining the highest possible quality. Use methods such as Lean (Six Sigma). Within Asset Management, for example, you can use the ISO 55000 series of Asset Management standards.

Extension of service life

Reduce lifecycle costs and extend lifespan. Intervene at the right time and improve quality. This prevents extra maintenance costs.

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